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Our Chief People Officer, Caroline O’Dowd was interviewed by recently about how we deliver people excellence here at Openmind.

Caroline is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in people management, as she states, “People are our top priority at Openmind Networks. Frankli helps us to track goals and understand how the work we do contributes to Openmind’s strategy. It ensures that 1-1 meetings, performance reviews and feedback surveys run smoothly. We understand that while some seek the next step on their career path, for others, progression means the opportunity to learn new skills, become a subject matter expert or gain experience in an unfamiliar area. At Openmind, we meet you where you are.”

Frankli is the people performance management platform that helps cut HR admin in half, boost retention and accelerate productivity through dynamic automation and employee insights.

This is a shortened version of that interview. If you want to read the full article please click here.

1. Not everyone wants to climb the ladder in the same way

“We’ve been careful not to take a one-size-fits-all approach to employee development. So I put together a special 1:1 template in Frankli for what we’re calling ‘progression conversations’.

2. Make employee wellbeing a priority

“Our CEO went on holiday last summer and he said, ‘I’m not looking at my email for 2 weeks’, and I had never worked in a company before where the CEO had done that.”

3. Use software that prioritizes people

“One of the reasons I liked Frankli was that nobody was confused by how it worked. You can figure it out yourself, it’s very straightforward.”

4. Invest in support for remote and hybrid workers

“It’s a lot harder to engage, retain and motivate people when it’s all online. Frankli helps us there in terms of 1:1 meetings and OKRs, and seeing the bigger picture.”

5. Make performance reviews stress-free

“I’ve been working in HR for a long time and usually you get a bit of pushback from managers around performance reviews and there’s been none of that with Frankli. I really think that was worth its weight in gold.”

Many thanks to the team at Frankli for allowing us to publish an excerpt from the original article.

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